
Aphrodite was vain. Hera was jealous and spiteful. Artemis was a cold fish. Helen was the cause of the Trojan War. But...

Says who?

Everything we know about Greek mythology comes from a handful of writers, all either male or writing for a predominantly male audience. And men have historically told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about women, haven't they? Society has conditioned them to be fair in their historical and artistic portrayals of women. Balanced. Compassionate. Inclusive.

Oh, wait.

Maybe in another timeline. In this one, it's time to take our stories back.

A graduate of the Sunderman Conservatory at Gettysburg College, Kassandra Flamouri grew up telling stories through both music and prose. She currently resides in Pennsylvania, where she spends her days chasing down a feral toddler and writing in moments oh-so-delicately slipped from that toddler's sleepy, sticky grasp.

Join me and Ryan Meier of Discover New Worlds as we talk about the educational and moral value of reading fiction, my books, and the blending of music and prose.

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Copyright Kassandra Flamouri 2022